An amazing party needs two things; a killer guestlist and a killer playlist. Whilst we had the former covered for our 20th Birthday soiree, we left the dance floor up to Melbourne’s very own DJ Sunshine Trott.

In the spirit of all things 20 (well mainly our Birthday, did we mention it was our Birthday?!), we asked Sunshine 20 questions to get to know the girl behind the decks.

DJ Sunshine at our 20th Birthday Party

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
I drink a litre of warm water with one lemon squeezed into it. It makes you feel amazing and gets rid of
the toxins from the day before.

What song best describes your current mood?
Jolene (Todd Terje edit) - Dolly Parton.

What’s your favourite thing about what you do?
Getting caught up in the vibe from the crowd when they’re loving a track. Nothing beats that feeling.

What’s been your favourite moment in your career so far?
Ahh there’s been so many. One of my favourite moments recently was the launch of my current single ‘Twisted’ at Revolver on a Saturday morning. It was a great party and seeing the crowd go off to a track I made was really special.

How important is creativity to you?
Very important. It's the reason I get out of bed in the morning and it's what I’ve based my life around.

How do you get inspired?
Lots of different things inspire me from connections with people, nature, going out to see a good artist. But when it comes to my gigs making sure I have new music keeps me inspired.

What’s been your best birthday to date? 
5 years ago I had a fantastic joint birthday party with a good friend of mine. It was Halloween fancy dress and on the top level of Bottom End. It was such a great night…we all ended up at Revolver!

What was the last song you danced to?
Prok & Fitch - Tears.

Photo By Simon Shiff

The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
You get treated how you let people treat you.

What’s one thing people would find surprising about you?
I’m shy.

What was the best party you’ve ever been to?
Trouw in Amsterdam. What a club!!!!

Three words to describe your typical party set?
Fun, hapno, energetic.

What’s your favourite thing to wear when you dress up?
A black lace dress, Leona Edmiston ‘Opal Pins’ Stockings, Black ankle boots.

Do you remember your first MIMCO piece?
Yes I sure do. It was a black leather handbag that I bought years ago and loved it that much that
I wore it into the ground.

What accessory could you not live without?
Shoes and Hats.

Sweet or savoury?

Classic or Modern?

Morning or night?

More or less?

Old or new?

Photo By Simon Shiff