In a season inspired by the elements, our campaign film was the perfect chance to create a stunning representation of our muse (Mistress Elemental) in motion.

Enter Gracie Otto! The Australian filmmaker has taken our seasonal story and captured the spirit of our muse across vast and beautiful Australian landscapes, taking us on a poetic journey through the natural world.

Gracie on set.

Can you tell us a little bit about the film you've created for MIMCO, Gracie?
The film I’m creating for MIMCO is called Mistress Elemental. It’s based on a journey through the elements; Earth, Fire, Air, Water. And the great thing about shooting in the outback was that the different locations represent the elements so beautifully. It’s really cool that we worked with Charlee Fraser on the project also, it’s my first time working with her.

How was it working with Charlee?
It’s been great. It’s always nice working with Australian’s because they’re so down-to-earth and up for anything. She also has this kind of fierce quality to her — in terms of her performance — which is sometimes rare to find in a model.

What did you enjoy most about the MIMCO shoot?
You guys! It was a great shoot. It was really fun to have my friend Alex (Alexandrov), a cinematographer from LA who came over with me to capture the film. Trevor was taking some amazing photographs and we were also shooting, so it was quite an organic process. And I love the places we visited, that really drew me into wanting to work on the project. It reminds me of how lucky we are to have such amazing places to shoot in Australia!

You travel a lot with your job, what are your top travel tips?
1. Bring a cashmere hooded jumper — to combat air conditioning or unexpected weather.
2. I’m a big fan of hydralyte.
3. The two P’s — Phone Charger and Passport. Essentials!