Love it? Rate it. Review it.
Share your thoughts (what you like, what you love, and what you’d like to see more of) with our product ratings and reviews.

How to rate and review a MIMCO piece?

You can submit your review from the purchase review email sent to you.

Through the email, add your star rating and click through to complete our review submission form.

Add a title and description to your review, and share your thoughts on the products price, quality, design and fit (where relevant)

Check over your review and hit submit!
How to rate and review a MIMCO piece?

You can submit your review from the purchase review email sent to you.

Through the email, add your star rating and click through to complete our review submission form.

Add a title and description to your review, and share your thoughts on the products price, quality, design and fit (where relevant)

Check over your review and hit submit!
Looking for accessory inspiration? Search for a product and read what other MIMCOLLECTIVE members love about your wishlist piece.
Looking for accessory inspiration? Search for a product and read what other
MIMCOLLECTIVE members love about your wishlist piece.

What should I write in my review?
Our tips for writing a great review:
• Keep it short and sweet (50-100 words is best)!
• Share how/where you love to use the product.
• What do/can you carry in the bag/wallet.
• Share how a shoe fits (smaller/larger than average).
• Think about what you want to know when you’re looking for a new accessory.
• Any advice on what you’d like to see more of.
Only reviews that comply with our standards and guidelines will be published to the MIMCO website.

Can I just leave a star rating?
Unfortunately not, in order for your review to be insightful for other customers we require you to complete your overall rating, give your review a title and description and rate the products price, quality, design and fit (where relevant).

What if I don’t want my review to be public?
If you would like to post your review anonymously, simply fill out your review name with a nickname or anonymous name that does not identify you. Once you submit your review it will be published on the product page on our website and visible to other customers!

What information about my profile will be on my review?
If your review complies with our standards & guidelines, it will be published on our website with the name, age group and gender you entered during the review submission process. No other information about you or your MIMCOLLECTIVE profile will be displayed.