A woman of pure passion, Lisa Messenger is living proof that you truly can live your
dreams. Since its launch, The Renegade Collective has become a global source of inspiration, re-defining the media landscape with its loyal community of followers championing Lisa’s honest and empowering approach to getting things done. In a recent conversation with Lisa, we got to know more about this inspiring woman.

Lisa Messenger with MIMCO Managing & Creative Director Cathryn Wills at the MIMCO flagship launch

MIMCO: You’re an author, editor and businesswoman amongst other things. Which of your projects are you most proud of and why?

Lisa: The Collective is at the centre of everything I do and so the decision to create it as a global movement is my proudest project. The philosophy is all about empowering people to be the best version of themselves. I am just living my life out loud to be an example and an entrepreneur for entrepreneurs.

MIMCO: The Renegade Collective (and your books) is bound up in the notion of elevating
your readers to the realisation that anything is possible. How has this idea shaped who you are today?

Lisa Messenger at our Creatives Collide Dinner

The philosophy is all about empowering people to be the best version of themselves.

Lisa: I have an unwavering belief that we are all equal and that truly anything is possible. It is from this belief that my team and I are able to grow to where we are today. Every day is tough and certainly has challenges coming in thick and fast, but it’s knowing that we are continuously at choice as to how we tackle them. Honestly, the things that are happening now are off the charts – from Anna Wintour herself requesting a meeting with me when I was in NYC recently, to spending time with Richard Branson on his private island, Necker, last November. Truly, anything is possible!

MIMCO: The Renegade Collective is a firm favourite at MIMCO HQ and we’ve loved collaborating with you this year. What parallels would you draw between the MIMCO woman and The Collective woman?

LISA: I think we share many of the same values and beliefs. I always say that the product and the platform largely become irrelevant once you are clear about your purpose and your morals. And I believe that both MIMCO and The Collective are morphing to where we need to be. I love that like us, the MIMCO woman has a level of social consciousness and feels a responsibility towards that.

MIMCO Which women do you consider to be the most positive influences on your career and/or life?

Lisa: So many really. There are of course the bigger influences such Oprah and Martha Stewart but then closer to home it’s really our community on a daily basis who just keep stepping up and inspiring me with their courage. Also, my mum has been a huge driving force in my life and influenced me in many ways.

MIMCO: What are your words to live by?

Lisa: Anything’s possible!

MIMCO: What gets you up in the morning?

Lisa: That I truly LOVE what I get to do every day. I’ve got a big vision and a big road ahead.

MIMCO: Did you grow up knowing that you would work in such a creative environment?

Lisa:No – I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher and I started my career as a horse riding instructor… this has become quite a deviation but I love every minute … even when I don’t.

MIMCO:Knowing what you know today, what advice would you give your younger self?

Lisa: Believe in yourself. Think as big as you can. Surround yourself with amazing people.

Believe in yourself. Think as big as you can. Surround yourself with amazing people.”

Live and Love Playbook by Lisa Messenger

MIMCO: How would you describe your personal style?

Lisa: Rock chic.

MIMCO: How important do you think it is to take risks?

Lisa: Haha… I’m really not a good person to ask as my answer may be quite irresponsible.
Put it this way, my accountant who had been at Price Waterhouse Coopers for 20 odd years, says he’s never seen anyone take risks like I do in his entire career – so much so that we had to “break” up for four months in the infancy of The Collective. I can take the risks I take now though because I have had many businesses across multiple industries over the past
14 years, so I kind of know how far I can push things… I would say – keep pushing your limits, get comfortable being uncomfortable – the threshold will be different for everyone. I’m a bit of an anomaly for sure.

MIMCO: Can you tell us what’s next for The Collective?

Lisa: BIG things. If this journey were a book it would be paragraph one, page one, chapter one. I can’t spill yet, but there is a big focus on the US in 2016…

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