In keeping with our fierce artisanal muse of the season, we asked Sydney artist and model Amy Finlayson to be our very own “artist in residence” at our Atomic Ranger media launch. Amy hand-painted bespoke pouches for guests of the event, as well as working on a live installation. We caught up with Amy before the launch event to find out a little more about what inspires her. 

Amy Finlayson by Margaret Zhang

When did you begin painting? My love began as early as kindergarten, but I really fell in love with art in high school. I had an amazing teacher and I used art as my outlet for self-expression. There were many lunch times spent in the art room finishing projects. I love immersing myself in the process.

Do you have a favourite artist? That’s a very hard question. There are just so many. But I always go back to Julian Schnabel for inspiration.

What’s your life mantra? How you do one thing is how you do everything.
(Think about it – it will change your life).

What does style mean to you? Style is having a confident form of self-expression.

Do you have a hidden talent? I have a killer wolf whistle.

What was the last book you read? '7 days in the Art World' by Sarah Thornton.

Amy’s hand-painted pouches sit alongside a stunning floral display for our media launch at the Richard Martin Art Gallery, Paddington.

What was the first album you bought? Fugees, The Score.

Which three women would be your dream party guests? Amy Schumer, Quentin Jones, Hilary Clinton.

What’s the best piece of advice you ever received? "Focus on your own hocus pocus and Magic will happen."

What’s your favourite MIMCO piece from the Atomic Ranger collection? I love the Go To Double Neck and the Deco Echo Pump 

Amy and her artwork at the Atomic Ranger season launch event.

Follow Amy on Instagram