We asked Ash Dickinson, a yoga teacher from Yoke Yoga in Melbourne, to offer some of her tips for living a well balanced life – and to be one of the first to use our new Zen Gym Bag.

Can you tell us about what you do and why you love it?

I am a yoga teacher and I manage a studio in South Melbourne. It is an absolute gift to be able to connect with so many people from different walks of life at the studio each day. To see my students practice a deep state of mindfulness and self reflection, and to see them embrace each and every breathe as they move through a class is so rewarding.

I am grateful to be able to provide a space for students to completely let go and dive deep within their own intimate experience, and to watch as they grow and transform on their own yoga journey.

Pictured: Our Zen Gym Bag, complete with removable cos case.

What are your top tips for living a well balanced life?

Make time for yourself and the people you love most
Nourish your body with healthy food, rest well and take time out every day to breathe
Don’t sweat the small stuff – a glass of wine or two is totally okay 
Fall in love with taking care of yourself – mind, body and spirit 

Do you have any go-to feel-good recipes?

A bulletproof coffee, filled with good fats & adaptogens, is a must for me at the moment, followed by a nourishing green smoothie; my Coconut Kale Protein Smoothie is a must-try!

What do you love about our new Zen Gym Bag?

I love that it is so lightweight, the rose gold detailing (of course), and that it’s actually spacious enough to fit all of my yoga and gym essentials.

What's your daily routine

No two days are ever the same for me, but I definitely have some non-negotiables when it comes to a daily routine. As a yoga teacher, I have the luxury to carve out my day (and life) exactly how I desire, which is something that changes seasonally.

To kickstart my morning, I’ll usually start with a bulletproof coffee at home, and will generally be sipping on some sort of smoothie on my way to an early morning yoga class. After I teach, I take some time out for myself with some movement – either some strength and cardio work with my trainer or a yoga class.

I love dropping into my partner's cafe for a light lunch; I also look after the content for his marketing channels. I will also answer emails for Yoke Yoga while I’m there.

By the afternoon I will be back at the studio, connecting with the students leaving from the lunchtime class. The rest of my day is generally spent at the studio, taking at least 10 minutes for meditation, before the evening classes begin.

Writing in my gratitude journal and a warm drink before bed is generally how I end my day!