Starting her own label in the 1980’s, fashion designer Jill Clegg has always been inspired to create things with a point of difference. Having worked alongside influential designers such as Jenny Bannister and Prue Acton, Jill still considers her best productions to be her two children, Chloe and Daniel.

A renowned fashion photographer, Chloe Paul has shot international editorials and fashion events for the likes of Harper's Bazaar and Vogue, including snaps of fashion icons Anna Wintour, Kate Moss and Bianca Jagger to name a few. Like her mum, Chloe understands the importance of nurturing her children’s creativity.


As a mother I’ve learnt…
One of the greatest blessings in life is to have children and grandchildren – I now have four grandchildren!

The most rewarding thing about being a mother is…
The love that my children have given me and how they’ve inspired me every day. It’s just an undying love that you just really don’t experience until you’ve had your own children. I feel really blessed to have had them. 

How important was it for you to let your children be creative when they were growing up?
I never forced anything on them because I believe that you have to let a child shape their own future. It was interesting to see that they were both creative in different ways. Chloe quickly went onto the path to photography - I was always taking photos so whether she was inspired by that I’m not sure - and my son is really great with his hands, building things gardening, but they were both always very creative souls.

How has being a mother shaped your own creativity?
My children really inspired my creativity, even from a young age. Watching them growing up and realising the way they see things and being interested in life really wakes up the soul and makes you feel like anything is achievable - a lot of what they’ve given me comes through in my clothing.


The most valuable thing my mother has taught me is…
Definitely to follow my dreams; she’s always nurtured me to be whatever I wanted to be.

How has your mother inspired your own passion for creativity?
I see mum as a creative genius really. She’s turned something out of nothing with her clothing but she just puts so much love and passion into her designs and her entire industry. She’s been a great help to my career also, she’ll always have references and ideas that maybe I haven’t touched on and she’s also never short of great feedback or honesty.

How important is that your children can be creative as they grow up?
It is important because it’s a way to be open to experiences and to express yourself, but if they go down a different path I won’t complain! But I do hope they have a creative edge too!