Our Exploricious Clutches

In the spirit of creative collaboration, and of course the festive season, the shoot for our
gift guide was vibrant, upbeat and full of personality.

We chat with stylist and model Mel Brady, sculpture artist, Melanie Upton and photographer Scott Newett; three creatives who helped make our Summer Wishes campaign come to life.

Mel Brady and MIMCO Styling Manager, Chantelle on set with Scott Newett.
From Mel Brady's Instagram (@Missbrady)


You styled our Summer Wishes campaign. What did you love most about working on set?

The sets we created had to have that whimsical MIMCO feeling about them. The inclusion of Mel Upton’s sculptures really helped create that magic mood - I love the crispness each shot has. The inclusion of ‘the human element’ made it challenging but a lot of fun to style.

Where do you find creative inspiration?

Literally everywhere. In my dreams, in nature, in art, on Instagram… Follow me? @Missbrady

How important is creative collaboration to you?

It’s the air I breath, and this campaign was a dream. There’s a reason there is no “I” in team, and we all worked together like a hand in glove to create the images.

Who do you wish you could collaborate with?

Oh lord, there’s too many to mention. I would love to tour the world to meet and work with a dozen of the amazing creative people I follow on Instagram.

What's your Summer Wish?

I could wax lyrical about the universe delivering me a lover that won’t drive me crazy next year...but that’s so selfish, so I wish for world peace instead.

Mel Upton in her studio


What is the story behind the pieces you created for the MIMZINE
Summer Wishes campaign?

Architectural Fossils are a series of sculptures that pay homage to the force, fracture and fleeting moments found within the changing urban environment. In response to MIMCO's urban apocalyptic Atomic Ranger season, this collection is comprised of cast building fragments, architectural imprints and replicas of found and forcibly fragmented rock and rubble.

Where do you find creative inspiration?

My work deals primarily with the changing nature of the city - the slow evolution of matter over time.

How important is creative collaboration to you?

Collaboration constantly inspires and pushes your practice into unchartered territories.
The unknown outcomes, the new dialogues between the collaborators and developments in your practice, along with the promise of making something/doing something you've never done before, is what I find truly exciting.

Who do you wish you could collaborate with?

It has been really exciting partnering with MIMCO because of their passion for creativity
(Mel also works with the MIMCO Visual Merchandising team). London design studio
'Studio Too Good' have always been a favourite of mine, Comme De Garcons
& Maison Margiela would also be on my list.

What's your Summer Wish?

Happiness, health and prosperity - sounds daggy, but that ticks all the boxes I think.

Scott Newett and one of his super-cute children


You shot our Summer Wishes campaign, what do you love most about shooting still life?

I like to try and attempt to force a sort of "moment" from something that is obviously very motionless, like something has either just happened or is about to. This is part of the reason why I light, a lot of the time, with a harsh light as it feels very stark and frozen in time to me.

Where do you find creative inspiration?

Instagram is enormous to creatives, there are some people doing amazing things, both technically and I'm constantly checking out some of my favourite photographers from overseas, like Dan Tobin Smith, online.

How important is creative collaboration to you?

Very important. There is nothing better than working with others that challenge your thinking. If you are all agreeing then you probably aren't creating much.

Who do you wish you could collaborate with?

I don't have a wish-list as such, but I'm always open to new things and new approaches.

What's your Summer Wish?

Having recently become a boat owner, I'm hoping/wishing for a lot of beautiful calm days to get out and about.